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How to repair a CV Boot (universal)

How to repair a CV Boot (universal)

How to repair a CV Boot using our universal repair kit.


Universal CV Boot (with tool)

  1. Remove the clamps
  2. Cut the boot to be changed
    Clean the grease from the CV joint with a piece of paper
  3. Assemble the boot on the tool
  4. Stretch it out and pass it through the CV joint
  5. Return the boot to its original size and remove the tool
  6. Lubricate it with grease
  7. Fit one side of the boot into the CV joint and the other one into the drive shaft
  8. Finally, fit in the new clamps.

Universal CV boot (with cone)

  1. Remove the clamps.
  2. Cut the boot to be changed.
  3. Clean the grease from the CV joint with a piece of paper.
  4. Assemble the cone.
  5. Assemble the boot on the cone in the opposite direction.
  6. Slide the boot and turn it into its correct position.
  7. Lubricate with grease.
  8. Fit one side of the boot into the CV joint and the other one into the drive shaft.
  9. Fit in the new clamps.

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